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Slater Design FRK+-5'11"

Slater Design

$ 890.00

 5'11" x 19" x 2 5/8" x 30.6L, squash, Ibolic EPS, Futures Fins five fin

The FRK Plus is a classic squash tail, high performance shortboard, refined and calibrated over the past three years with Kelly, Brodi, Betty Lou, and

This new squash version of the FRK is meant to be ridden slightly shorter than the original FRK round tail. It has all the on-wave benefits of the original FRK with a touch more release through turns that comes from the squash tail and minor adjustments to how the concaves and fin placements relate to the increased surface area of the squash when compared to a round

The feedback on this shape has been that it has a super quick rail to rail responsiveness mixed with extremely good drive and release: Most intermediate and above surfers will appreciate the FRK Plus for the way this shape gets out of your way to the point that you don’t even notice it's there - it feels like the most high performance expression of your intentions possible.

We are not a high volume surfboard shipper, so our rates will be different then some warehouse shippers. Our surfboard shipping has two flat rates based on board size. Performance boards 5'10" and under, & 5'11" and up. Certain size boards will not be made available to ship. Customers who require shipping for surfboards will be charged the flat rate on check out. Customers will never be charged more then flat rate. Shipping carriers measure the items multiple times im tramnsit. 14 business days after delivery Bare Wires will get a final delivery charge from the carrier. If the delivery charge is less then the flat rate charged, Bare Wires will issue a refund difference to the customer. Please contact us with any questions

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